CEO Message

An Always-Innovating Food Culture, Addressing Social Challenges and Achieving Sustainable Growth as an EARTH FOOD CREATOR
Koki Ando
President & Representative Director, CEO
An Enduring Origin: Peace Will Come to the World When There is Enough Food
“Without food, there would be no clothing, no shelter, no art, no culture. Food is the most important pillar supporting human life.”
NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS founder Momofuku Ando saw firsthand how people suffered from food shortages after the war. His conviction led to the invention of the world’s first instant noodles and the birth of NISSIN’s famous CHICKEN RAMEN. He said, “Peace will come to the world when there is enough food.” Shoku-soku se-hei, or the Japanese phrase representing this idea, is one of our enduring values and the enduring origin of our activities.
Since 1958, the NISSIN FOODS Group has continued to ponder what is useful for humankind and society, and we have contributed a better world by satisfying dietary needs. Our history is one of sustainable growth through solutions to social issues, which we now call CSV management. The term EARTH FOOD CREATOR, as in our Group Philosophy, expresses our desire to contribute to the world and its people by creating food, the basis of all life.
The Social Issues We Face Today: Planetary Health and Human Well-Being
While hunger was a critical issue in postwar Japan, today’s social challenges are many and varied. Looking across the entire planet, the list of issues is endless. Among these issues, the NISSIN FOODS Group identified two social issues as our top priorities. Those issues are Planetary Health and Human Well-being.
Planetary Health refers to our efforts to live in harmony
with the global environment. Needless to say, global warming
and other environmental issues are planet-wide challenges.
Concerns arise that climate change will reduce crop
production and destabilize food supplies. We must also
prevent the indiscriminate use of limited global resources,
which would lead to breakdowns in social infrastructure and
economic conditions.

Human Well-being refers to our efforts to elevate humankind. NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS and the Ando Foundation, in cooperation with American public opinion research firm Gallup, proved for the first time in the world the strong relationship between food and well-being. It became clear that food is an important factor in happiness. At the same time, low nutrition due to hunger and poverty is a persistent issue in the world, even as our modern age is one of food satiety. We see many food-related problems, including new issues such as obesity due to excessive calories and hidden malnutrition due to inappropriate dieting. At the Tokyo Nutrition Summit 2021, leaders from national governments, international organizations, corporations, and civic groups gathered to exchange views on various issues. As seen in this and many other examples, issues related to health and nutrition are topics attracting worldwide attention.
Food Tech is the Driving Force Behind Solving Issues
Why does the NISSIN FOODS Group take on the challenge of Planetary Health and Human Well-being? Solving these challenges will be extremely difficult, but we believe we can do it. Our belief is based on our strength in food technology.
Planetary Health means using food tech to ensure a stable meat supply and reduce environmental impact. Many initiatives are already underway, one of which is our research in cultured meat, which is attracting attention as a sustainable food source. In August 2017, we began a joint research project with the University of Tokyo, continuing the unprecedented challenge of achieving thicker steak meat. In May 2023, we succeeded in developing a plant-based eel product. We have reproduced the texture, appearance, and flavor of broiled eel without using any animal-derived ingredients. We aim to create sustainable food systems in Japan and overseas that preserve rich food cultures.
Under the concept of Human Well-being, we pursue Optimized Nutri-Dense Meals, a technology addressing health and nutrition issues head-on. We launched the KANZEN MEAL series in 2022, offering the perfect balance between taste and 33 essential nutrients. Making full use of processing technologies and umami ingredients cultivated in the instant noodle business, we produced taste on par with so-called regular food, without the distinctive harsh or bitter taste characteristic of nutrients. This business embodies one of our Enduring Values: Eat wisely for beauty and health. And we aim to improve well-being through food by offering solutions that answer issues related to modern dietary habits.
NO LIMIT TO GROWTH Always Aiming Higher

I believe that creating social value through these types of efforts will create economic value in parallel. Helping create sustainable societies will also lead to the sustainable growth of the NISSIN FOODS Group.
Our recent performance has been strong, with FY 3/2024 net sales of 732.9 billion yen (up 9.5% year on year) and core operating profit of existing businesses of 80.6 billion yen (up 33.9%), both record highs. We set a target level of 80 billion yen in core operating profit of existing businesses by FY 3/2031 under our mid- to long-term growth strategy, achieving what we projected to be a 10-year target beginning in FY 3/2022 in only three years.
In this and other ways, the NISSIN FOODS Group has achieved remarkable growth over the past several years. But if we become complacent, growth will grind to a halt. Our founder pursued a philosophy of always aiming higher, knowing there is no limit to growth, immediately setting his sights on the next peak once one goal was achieved. When we were in sight of our previous goal in the previous fiscal year, we established new milestones of 1 trillion yen in revenue, core operating profit of existing businesses of 100 billion yen, and a market cap of 2 trillion yen.
In 2024, we took the first step toward this new goal, defining four management keys to boost our growth potential.
The first of these keys is to make a leap ahead in our global business. The growth of overseas operations was remarkable in FY 3/2024, with overseas operations accounting for more than 50% of total profits. But the global market is enormous, and we have yet to make our presence felt. We intend to strengthen our global branding further in promising markets and increase our presence in every region by raising production capacity.
The second of these keys is to develop new business around the KANZEN MEAL series of products. Our immediate goal is to establish and expand the KANZEN MEAL brand, growing to 7 billion yen in FY 3/2025 and 10 billion yen in FY 3/2026. In addition to packaged products, we plan to expand our BtoBtoC business, leveraging collaborations with retailers, food service companies, and food manufacturers in other fields. The NISSIN FOODS Group pursues collaboration with insurance companies and others in different industries to create a variety of touch points for multi-vector development in Nutrition Optimization Technology.
The third key is to delve deeper into food tech development. As I mentioned, food tech is the NISSIN FOODS Group’s greatest strength in our pursuit of Planetary Health and Human Well-being initiatives. Continuing to take on the challenge of future food, including cultured meat and plant-based foods, we intend to open up new possibilities for food.
The fourth key is to strengthen initiatives related to EARTH FOOD CHALLENGE 2030 (EFC2030). EFC2030 is the Group’s environmental strategy and an indispensable initiative for achieving Planetary Health. Treating environmental issues passively and simply accepting our fate makes no sense. We encourage employees to reject passiveness and to act as leaders in the food industry.
Always Be a Challenger Creating a New Food Culture

Having achieved our FY 3/2031 target profit level ahead of schedule in just three years, we feel we have an option to use cash strategically for future growth. We intend to maximize corporate value by using debt effectively and allocating cash generated to investments for growth. We will also use this cash actively to enhance shareholder returns.
In May 2024, we revised our ROE target, one of the KPIs under our mid- to long-term growth strategy. Our revised target goes from 10% over the long term to 15% by FY 3/2031. NISSIN FOODS Group is looking to deliver 20% in the long term, making the leap to be on par with the major food companies of the world—the global giants.
NISSIN FOODS Group is a pioneer, a leader, a creator, and a challenger. As the pioneer company that invented CHICKEN RAMEN as the world’s first instant noodle and the producer of global-brand CUP NOODLES, we have already established ourselves as a leading company in the instant noodles market. But no matter the extent we consolidate our position at the top, we will never go on the defensive. We will continue to create a new food culture through Planetary Health and Human Well-being.
is the NISSIN FOODS Group? [3.31MB]
- Group Philosophy
- Social Value Creation History
- NISSIN FOODS Group Today
- Six Capitals of the NISSIN FOODS Group
- Core Strengths of the NISSIN FOODS Group
are our goals?[3.49MB]
- Our Materiality
- CEO Message
- COO Message
- Outside Director Dialogue
will we achieve our goals?[8.89MB]
- Value Creation Process
- CSO Message
- CFO Message
Growth Strategy 1: Strengthen Cash Generation Capabilities of Existing Businesses
- Domestic Instant Noodles Business
- Domestic Non-Instant Noodles Business
- Overseas Business
Growth Strategy 2: EARTH FOOD CHALLENGE 2030
- Challenge to Climate Change
- Challenge to Effectively Use Resources
- Growth Strategy 3: Pursue New Businesses
- Creating and Expanding Touchpoints for Optimized Nutri-Dense Meals
- Creating New Value in Optimized Nutri-Dense Meals
- CHRO Interview
- Strengthening Human Capital
- IR Event Report
- Corporate Governance
- Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory
Board Members
Data [554KB]
- Financial Summary
- Non-Financial Summary / Major External Evaluations
- Global Instant Noodle Market Data
- Company and Stock Information