
Sustainability Governance


EARTH FOOD CREATOR has been formulated as the Group philosophy of the NISSIN FOODS Group. To achieve this, we also formulated the NISSIN FOODS Group Sustainability Regulations in April 2020 after deliberation and approval by the Board of Directors. The regulations define the following action guidelines to realize a sustainable society and raise corporate value.

  • 1.We will comply with laws, regulations, rules, conventions, and applicable international standards as well as the various regulations of the NISSIN FOODS Group and give adequate consideration to an environment and society that allows the conduct of sustainable corporate activities.
  • 2.In our corporate activities, we will undertake product development with consideration for the conservation of the local and global environment—from the procurement of raw materials to production, distribution, and disposal—to seek reduction of environmental impact, and at the same time, contribute toward society’s efforts in saving energy, using less resources, and recycling.
  • 3.We will prioritize the protection of people’s health and safety in the raw materials, additives, materials for containers and packaging, and other items being used in products.
  • 4.We will promote initiatives for the respect of human rights with suppliers and all business partners, including the prohibition of discrimination based on nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, social status, and disabilities, and the provision of safe and healthy working environments.
  • 5.We will promote health and productivity management so that all employees can maintain and enhance their health and fully apply their capabilities when carrying out their work.
  • 6.We will establish an internal structure to promote sustainable corporate activities and actively conduct activities to enhance and raise awareness.
  • 7.We will strive to coexist with local communities as a corporate citizen and cooperate in external activities related to the realization of a sustainable society. In addition, we will also actively support the voluntary activities of our employees.


Establishing the Sustainability Committee

NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS has established the Sustainability Committee—chaired by the CEO—which formulates policies and strategies related to sustainability, such as climate change and reduction of environmental impact, and monitors the state of implementation of the Mid- to Long-Term Growth Strategy. The committee’s office is formed by the Corporate Planning Division, the Sustainability Promotion Division, and the Corporate Communications Division. There are five working groups under the Sustainability Committee, with each including participants from the relevant departments.

In addition, the key non-financial targets stated in the environmental strategy EARTH FOOD CHALLENGE 2030 are discussed and approved by the Management Committee annually, then deliberated and reported at the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors supervises the execution of operations for climate change, biodiversity, and other environmental issues as well as operations for health and nutrition issues such as the double burden of malnutrition. It also discusses and approves basic policies and important matters related to sustainability.

Establishment of the Sustainability Advisory Board

The Sustainability Advisory Board is an advisory body to the Board of Directors established in April 2021 for the purpose of grasping global trends related to sustainability and strengthening the internal sustainability promotion structure. The advisory board discusses environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues—such as climate change, human rights, nutrition, and health—that the NISSIN FOODS Group should undertake while receiving recommendations from external experts*1 and offers advice and recommendations to the Board of Directors*2.
Before meetings of the advisory board, the Sustainability Committee, which is the operating body, also discusses ESG-related issues regularly with members who are external experts*3.

  • *1Planned to be conducted twice each year
  • *2Planned to be conducted at least once each year
  • *3Planned to be conducted six times each year

Members of the Sustainability Advisory Board

Experts (in Japanese name order)
  • Eietsu Sakuraba
    Outside Director, NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
  • Kazuo Tase
    President and CEO, SDG Partners, Inc.
  • Mari Yoshitaka
    Fellow and Principal Sustainability Strategist, Social Impact Partnership Department, Research & Innovation Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.
    Part-time lecturer, Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance
Internal participants
  • Koki Ando
    President & Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
  • Noritaka Ando
    Executive Vice President & Representative Director, Chief Operating Officer (COO), NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
  • Yukio Yokoyama
    Director, Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), Managing Executive Officer, NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
  • Mitsuru Tanaka
    Managing Executive Officer, Chief Development Officer (CDO), NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
    Head of NISSIN Global Innovation Center
    Head of NISSIN Global Food Safety Institute


Meeting of the Sustainability Advisory Board

Agenda of the First Meeting (Held on May 31, 2021)

  • Impact of climate change scenarios (financial impact based on future scenarios and adaptation measures)
  • Measures toward reducing CO2 emissions and achieving science-based targets (SBTs) for reducing greenhouse gases
  • Latest trends regarding carbon tax and carbon border tax

Agenda of the Second Meeting (Held on December 13, 2021)

  • 26th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Sixth Strategic Energy Plan
  • Biodiversity initiatives
  • Trends related to well-being* and disclosure of non-financial information
  • *A concept that refers to an individual or group being in a good state physically, mentally, and socially

Agenda of the Third Meeting (Held on June 17, 2022)

  • New capitalism and public benefit corporations*
  • Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
  • Trends around carbon neutrality
  • *A type of company that has declared its commitment toward taking the lead in businesses that contribute to public benefit in addition to shareholders’ interests

Agenda of the Fourth Meeting (Held on January 30, 2023)

  • 27th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 27) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  • Hydrogen strategy in green transformation (GX)
  • Nature Positive

Agenda of the Fifth Meeting (Held on July 4, 2023)

  • Business and human rights
  • Circular economy
  • Latest trends in sustainable financing and clean energy supply

Agenda of the Sixth Meeting (Held on January 18, 2024)

  • 28th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  • Animal welfare

Employee Awareness Activities

The NISSIN FOODS Group nurtures employee awareness on sustainability through the dissemination of messages by the chief executive officer (CEO) of NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS, who is also chairperson of the Sustainability Committee. The Group also informs employees of social and environmental issues, various policies, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), mainly through various training sessions and the Group’s in-house newsletter.

Results of Employee Attitude surveys
Coverage: Employees of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (including employees on temporary assignment to companies such as NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS, NISSIN CHILLED FOODS, and NISSIN FROZEN FOODS), MYOJO FOODS, NISSIN CISCO, and NISSIN YORK.
FY 3/2020 FY 3/2021 FY 3/2022 FY 3/2023 FY 3/2024
The company conducts businesses that take the environment into consideration. 64% 73% 74% 73% 70%
The company is contributing to society via its businesses. 80% 88% 87% 87% 86%

Dialogue with Stakeholders

The NISSIN FOODS Group places importance on dialogue with all stakeholders who are involved in the Group’s business activities. Opinions obtained through dialogue are reflected in business activities.

Target Communication policy Key dialogue opportunities
Customers Listen to the voices of customers and pursue the creation of even better products.
  • Publicity (websites, etc.)
  • Customer Support Center (accepts inquiries via emails and phone)
  • Customer surveys
  • Events and seminars
  • Face-to-face product sales by employees
Shareholders and investors Carry out timely and appropriate information dissemination and disclosure, and at the same time, strive to return profits to shareholders and investors.
  • Websites
  • Financial results briefings
  • Shareholders’ meetings
  • IR conferences
  • Dedicated contact point for inquiries from shareholders
  • Contact point for inquiries from institutional investors
  • Briefings for investors and analysts
  • Visits to overseas institutional investors
  • Contact point for inquiries from individual shareholders
  • Briefings for individual investors
Business partners Strive to build favorable relationships with partner companies by strictly ensuring fair procurement and contracts.
  • Policy briefings and opportunities for exchange of opinions
  • Exhibitions
  • Training workshops for suppliers
  • Self-assessment questionnaires for suppliers
  • Supplier audits
  • Visits to business partners’plants
Employees Promote the creation of workplaces where all employees feel motivated and enthusiastic and can apply their abilities
  • Group intranet and the Group's internal newsletter
  • Self-declaration system
  • Career declaration system
  • Employee awareness surveys
  • Employee interviews
  • Internal whistleblowing system
  • Events for interactions between employees
  • Labor-management deliberations
  • Training and seminars
Local and international communities / Governments and public administration Companies and sites in Japan and overseas seek to collaborate closely with local communities and contribute to the sustainable development of local communities.
  • Support during disasters
  • Support during disasters Support for the poor and support for developing countries (WFP)
  • Dietary education
  • Support for sports
  • Donation activities
  • Launch of region-limited products and products unique to a region
  • Regional event sponsorship and participation
Global environment Promote activities for Nature Positive* and aim to achieve carbon neutrality—net zero CO2 emissions—by 2050.
  • Endorsement of industry associations and initiatives
  • Information disclosure through online integrated reports, websites, etc.
  • *Intentionally seeking recovery of forests that are being reduced through deforestation and harvesting of forests using means such as raising of forest tree saplings, tree planting, and thinning trees so that sunlight can reach the forest floor.