
Water Resources


The depletion of water resources has a severe impact on the stable production of food. The NISSIN FOODS Group clarifies our stance of complying with the environmental laws and regulations of each country and procuring raw materials produced with consideration for the sustainability of the earth and the environment in our Policy on Sustainable Procurement. The reduction of water use is also stated as an important theme of our environmental strategy EARTH FOOD CHALLENGE 2030.


Under our environmental strategy EARTH FOOD CHALLENGE 2030, our goal for water usage at manufacturing plants is 12.3 m3 per ¥ 1 million in sales (IFRS standard) by fiscal 2031.


Reduction of Water Usage

Manufacturing plants—both in Japan and overseas—of the NISSIN FOODS Group are working to reduce the use of water necessary for manufacturing processes and to reuse water for cooling in manufacturing processes for washing equipment or other purposes. In addition, the Kansai Plant of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS is reducing its water use by introducing AI into water treatment processes. Previously, the operator determined the number of times and hours of washing the water treatment equipment (filtering machine), and washed them manually. By using AI to determine frequency and time for automated washing, it is possible to minimize the amount of water used for equipment washing.

Water-saving Initiatives at Manufacturing Plants

2019 2020 2021 2022
Number of water-saving projects 20 43 30 46
Water saved through projects 58,382 m3 125,747 m3 84,661 m3 34,942 m3
Responding to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Related Information and Data

Water Use (Manufacturing Plants in Japan and Overseas)

Water Input and Output at Business Locations in Japan (2022)



Trends in Water Use

(unit: 10,000 m3)
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total water intake 535.0 545.1 637.0 658.4 675.9
- Surface water (fresh water) 0 0 0 0 0
- Brackish water and sea water 0 0 0 0 0
- Underground water 358.9 385.5 458.9 460.3 468.8
- Water generated during production 0 0 0 0 0
- Third-party water (waterworks, industrial water, etc.) 176.1 159.6 178.1 198.1 207.2
Total water discharged 346.0 363.6 437.1 450.0 466.3
- Surface water (fresh water) 199.5 211.2 282.1 290.2 304.4
-Underground water 0 0 0 0 0
- Third-party water (waterworks, industrial water, etc.) 67.1 152.4 155.0 159.7 161.9
Total water consumption 189.0 181.5 199.9 208.4 209.6
  • * Aggregation period: Aggregation for 2019 is based on fiscal year (April to March of the following year), while that for 2020 to 2022 is based on calendar year (January to December).
    Fiscal 2019: Surface water (fresh water) and third-party treated water (sewerage , etc.) calculated based on data within Japan only as data for overseas did not have categories for water discharged.
  • *Scope of aggregation: NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS (Tokyo Head Office, Osaka Head Office, and “the WAVE” R&D center), MYOJO FOODS (Research Center), and manufacturing plants of Group companies
  • *KOIKE-YA and Koikeya Vietnam are included in the scope of aggregation from 2020, except for water use per sales, for which they are included from 2021.

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