
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


The NISSIN FOODS Group strives to create workplace environments where employees with diverse attributes and values can fully demonstrate their capabilities, establishing the NISSIN FOODS Group Policy on Human Rights that prohibits discrimination and harassment based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, belief, birthplace, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, and other attributes. We also strive to ensure fair and equitable treatment in hiring and in subsequent promotion and advancement.


We aim to achieve a female manager ratio of 10% or higher in the five-year period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026.


To create workplace environments that accept diverse employees and allow them to fully demonstrate their capabilities, the NISSIN FOODS Group has established a Diversity Committee, consisting of full-time members from the Human Resources Division and voluntary members. This committee implements various measures aimed at increasing awareness about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. In fiscal 2021 and fiscal 2022, interactions were conducted for young employees and mid-career employees to invigorate internal communications under a telecommuting environment.


Women’s Skills Development

Toward promoting more active roles for women, the NISSIN FOODS Group establishes supportive employment systems and raises awareness within the Group. Since fiscal 2017, the Group has been conducting selective training programs for women with leadership potential. Furthermore, NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS was selected as a Semi-Nadeshiko Brand* consecutively in 2019 and 2020 as a company that actively encourages the success of women in the workplace.

  • *This is a category of high-scoring enterprises, selected regardless of the industry to which they belong, that follows the Nadeshiko Brand jointly selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Training Programs
Training for Young Female Employees
  • Joint Training by Five Food Industry Companies to enable participants to discuss industry-specific concerns and issues (held jointly with other food industry companies for females employees who joined four years ago or those in their 20s and 30s)
Training for Female Manager Candidates
  • Training for female employees who are leader candidates that includes elements of leadership and presentation
  • Individual support for female managers that includes sending for external training and mentoring

Support for Balancing Work and Parenting

We create environments that support a balance between work and parenting for employees who have children. For example, we encourage female employees who are on childcare leave to take e-learning courses and external training for skill development. We also conduct interviews of such employees when they return to work to alleviate any concerns. These efforts as well as the telecommuting program, the flex-time system with no compulsory working hours, and other programs were highly evaluated, and in February 2019, NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS received Platinum Kurumin certification*1 from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
In addition, 49 employees, male and female, took childcare leave in fiscal 2022 and all of them have returned to work. Furthermore, 50 female employees made use of the reduced working hours for childcare program*2.

  • *1The Platinum Kurumin certification is an accreditation system established along with the April, 2015 revision of the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. This certification is awarded to Kurumin qualified companies that have carried out measures to meet the higher standards of accreditation that have been set by the ministry
  • *2Employees of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (including employees on temporary assignment to companies such as NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS, NISSIN CHILLED FOODS, and NISSIN FROZEN FOODS)
Parenting Programs (Excluding Legally Mandated Programs)
Programs for Employees Raising Children
  • Skills development assistance through e-learning and external training
  • Assistance measures and pre-return interviews to support early return from childcare leave
  • Emergency childcare cost assistance
  • Reduced working hours for childcare (for employees with children up to the third year of elementary school)
  • Paternal leave (leave for male employees for the purpose of childcare)
  • Use of lapsed annual paid leave for childcare
Programs Available to All Employees (not limited to childcare)
  • Flex-time system with no compulsory working hours and telecommuting program
  • Half-day paid leave

Support for Balancing Work and Nursing Care

The NISSIN FOODS Group supports balancing work and nursing care by putting in place flexible working environments through the flex-time system with no compulsory working hours, telecommuting program, and use of lapsed annual paid leave for nursing care*. In fiscal 2022, three employees took nursing care leave.

  • *A system that allows annual paid leave—which is valid for two years—to be used after expiry; up to 25 days of such leave can be accumulated

Supporting Active Roles for Older Employees

For employees age 50 and above, we implement measures for designing their future lives and developing their future careers. Specifically, besides annual life-planning seminars to create life and financial plans for their future, the upper age limit for the in-house recruitment was removed to allow employees to take on challenges in new careers regardless of age.

Internal Job Postings

Continued Employment after Mandatory Retirement Age

The NISSIN FOODS Group has established a system that enables employees who have reached the retirement age of 60 to continue working until they are 70 if they wish. As of March 31, 2022, the number of persons re-employed at Group companies in Japan was 102 persons*.

  • *Employees of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (including employees on temporary assignment to companies such as NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS, NISSIN CHILLED FOODS, and NISSIN FROZEN FOODS)

Employment for People with Disabilities

The NISSIN FOODS Group is working to increase employment of people with disabilities and create amenable working environments for them. As of March 31, 2022, the Group in Japan, including a special subsidiary*1, employs 76 people with disabilities. The disabled employee ratio*2 in fiscal 2022 was 2.32% which is above the statutory requirement of 2.3%.


Supporting Active Roles for Mid-career Employees

Toward becoming an EARTH FOOD CREATOR, we have formulated human resource strategies that are linked to our management strategies. The NISSIN FOODS Group actively recruits specialists from outside the company, and mid-career hires made up 73.0% of people recruited by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS in fiscal 2022.
To deepen mid-career employees’ understanding of the company, we conduct training on the founder’s philosophy and disseminate online videos introducing the scope of operations of the major divisions. We also prepare to accept them at their assigned divisions—such as creating development plans and selecting people whom they can consult—so that they can apply their abilities as early as possible.

Hiring of Global Human Resources

For further development of our global business, we actively recruit talented human resources regardless of their nationality. This is especially so at overseas Group companies, where local human resources are actively recruited so as to also contribute toward generating employment in the local community. Locally hired non-Japanese nationals were appointed as president of NISSIN FOODS INDIA in 2013, president of NISSIN FOODS (U.S.A.) in 2015, and president of NISSIN FOODS DE MEXICO in 2017.
As of March 31, 2022, NISSIN FOODS PRODUCTS had employed 33 foreign nationals.

Initiatives Related to LGBTQ+

The NISSIN FOODS Group works to create workplace environments where employees who are sexual minorities (LGBTQ+) can fully apply their abilities. Our various initiatives—such as education related to LGBTQ+ and the establishment of welfare programs for transgender people—were recognized with the award of the highest rating of Gold in the PRIDE Index 2022* for the third consecutive year.

Initiatives Related to LGBTQ+

Formulation of policies
  • Stated the prohibition of discrimination and harassment arising from all kinds of attributes—including sexual orientation and gender identity—in the Policy on Human Rights and employment rules.
Raising awareness of LGBTQ+
  • LGBTQ+-inclusive education is conducted once each year for new managers and employees
  • Conducted seminar for management of NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS and persons in charge of human resource departments of Group companies in Japan to provide them with the correct understanding of LGBT and review their own words and actions (held in August 2020)
  • Distributed e-learning video providing basic knowledge regarding LGBTQ+ to all employees (conducted in September 2020)
  • Conducted “The Rainbow Connection-Let's Shine a Light on LGBTQ+ Inclusion” project aimed at raising awareness for all employees, created handbook with information such as basic knowledge of LGBTQ+, and conducted online talk event with people from the LGBTQ+ community (in December 2020)
Welfare programs
  • Allow same-sex and common law marriage partners to also receive congratulatory and condolence money and leave as well as housing allowance
Establishment of environment for transgender people
  • Allow use of common names that are not stated in family registers・Removed gender field from recruitment form
  • Allow use of expired annual leave for undergoing gender reassignment surgery
  • Allow employees to select their own venues for medical examinations
  • Established individual changing rooms and universal toilets at offices, plants, and other major business sites in Japan
Establishment of consultation services Established internal and external consultation services where those from the LGBTQ+ community as well as others can consult concerns, ask questions, and convey requests to the company; external consultation services are handled by experts in LGBTQ+ issues and can also be used anonymously.

Related Information and Data

An employee attitude survey is conducted every year to ascertain employees’ awareness of the company, their work, and their values. One of the questions is “Does the company respect various differences, such as nationality and gender, and create a climate of mutual acceptance?” The effectiveness of various measures is evaluated based on the responses to this question.

Coverage: Employees of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (including employees on temporary assignment to NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS, NISSIN CHILLED FOODS, NISSIN FROZEN FOODS, etc.)

FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Does the company respect various differences, such as nationality and gender, and create a climate of mutual acceptance? 64% 64% 71% 70% 69%

Human resources and labor data, data on women

Coverage: Employees of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (including employees on temporary assignment to companies such as NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS, NISSIN CHILLED FOODS, and NISSIN FROZEN FOODS)

FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Number of employees Total 2,266 2,336 2,370 2,489
(1,710・397 *4)
(1,768・429 *4)
Number of new hires Total
New graduates
The percentage of female new hires (%)  24.8 25.7 32.4 31.5
The percentage of mid-career hires (%) 77.1 75.0 73.0 82.8
Attrition rate of employees with less than three years of service (%) 23.0 12.5 4.5 11.1
The percentage of female managers (%) *4 5.2 *4 5.4 *4 5.8 5.8
Number of re-employed persons 97 96 97 105
Average years of service
The percentage of permanent turnover (%) 4.8 2.8 4.4 5.3
Employees taking parental leave (subtotal: males) 50 (4) 60 (10) 49 (20) 63 (38)
Number of employees taking family care leave 0 1 3 1
The percentage of paid leave usage (%) *2 94.7 74.7 78.6 80.8
The percentage of disabled employee (%) *3 2.36 2.30 2.32 2.23

Coverage: Employees working at Group companies in Japan and overseas

FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
No. of new hires 1,640 1,479 1,837 2,043
Turnover ratio 13% 9% 9% 10%
(Voluntary turnover ratio) 9% 8% 8% 10%
  • *1As of March 31
  • *2Coverage: Non-managerial employees
  • *3Coverage: Employees of those who are employed by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS, MYOJO FOOD and NISSIN BUSINESS SUPPORT PLUS
  • *4Permanent Female employees and female manager ration were third-party verified.

Data Related to Female Employees

Coverage: Permanent employees of consolidated subsidiaries in Japan and overseas

The percentage of female permanent employees 35%
The percentage of female managers 17%
The percentage of female executive assistants 17%
The percentage of female management 16%
The percentage of female managers in departments generating sales (including sales departments, marketing departments, etc.) 15%
The percentage of female employees in the fields of science, technology, engineering or math. 30%

Coverage: Employees of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (including employees on temporary assignment to companies such as NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS, NISSIN CHILLED FOODS, and NISSIN FROZEN FOODS)

FY2023 Target
The percentage of female managers 5.8% 10% or higher by FY2026

Employees by Region

Coverage: Permanent employees working at Group companies in Japan and overseas except NISSIN U.S.A.

Employees Managers
Japan 45% 65%
China (incl. H.K.) 12% 14%
U.S.A. 5% 4%
Brazil 20% 5%
India 3% 3%
Other Asian countries 6% 4%
Middle East countries 0% 0%
Europe countries 4% 1%
Other north American countries 0% 0%
Other middle and south American countries 4% 4%
Others 0% 0%

Ratio of Permanent Employee Salary by Gender (Average Salary of Female Employees Against Average Salary of Male Employees)*

Group companies in Japan Overseas Group companies Group companies in Japan and overseas
Managers (basic salary only) 98% 98% 95%
Managers (basic salary + cash incentives such as other bonuses) 95% 94% 90%
Non-managerial employees 80% 98% 71%
  • *While wages are applied using a uniform standard regardless of gender, there are differences between male and female employees due to factors such as number of employees, grade, and years of employment. Third-party assurance has been obtained for the ratio of permanent employee salary by gender for fiscal 2021.

Salaries of Managers and Non-managerial Employees

Coverage: Employees of NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (including employees on temporary assignment to companies such as NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS, NISSIN CHILLED FOODS, and NISSIN FROZEN FOODS), MYOJO FOODS, NISSIN CISCO, and NISSIN YORK.

Average female salary Average male salary
Managers (regular salary and other cash incentives) 12,184,584 12,384,777
Non-managerial employees 5,807,546 7,365,051
  • *While wages are applied using a uniform standard regardless of gender, there are differences between male and female employees due to factors such as number of employees, grade, and years of employment.