
Occupational Health and Safety


The NISSIN FOODS Group recognizes that a key corporate challenge for sustainable business activities is to ensure the health and safety of employees and all stakeholders working at the same workplaces.
To achieve health and safety of workers at the workplace, we comply with the Industrial Safety and Health Act and such, and at the same time, stipulates the NISSIN FOODS Group Occupational Health and Safety Policy based on ISO 45001 and other international standards related to occupational safety and health and approved by the Management Committee and Board of Directors.
We also implement occupational health and safety management systems based on the international standards such as ISO 45001 to promote continuously improvement of our workplace environments, identifying and evaluating risks and seeking to mitigate them.
Furthermore, to promote occupational health and safety across the Group, we also conduct internal training on preventing occupational injuries for employees and all stakeholders working at the same workplaces.

NISSIN FOODS Group Occupational Health and Safety Policy


At the NISSIN FOODS Group, details of initiatives related to occupational health and safety are reported at meetings of the Management Committee and Board of Directors at least once each year, and at the same time, these initiatives undergo audits by the Internal Auditing Office.
To promote initiatives related to occupational health and safety, we also hold monthly meetings of the Health and Safety Committee at each business site and manufacturing plant. Management and labor representatives discuss measures to prevent the reoccurrence of occupational injuries, and at the same time, discuss the details of occupational health and safety activities to help improve workplace environments.
In addition, since 2018, we conduct annual presenteeism surveys that identify causes of poor health that affect work productivity to strengthen our initiatives for health and productivity management. The standard value for the survey results* is 94.0%, which we set as our target (the actual value in 2022 was 93.9%), and we conduct various measures toward achieving this target.
If an emergency (such as accident or disaster) occurs and has a severe impact on occupational health and safety, we have in place a system where a Group serious incident taskforce—headed by the CEO—is set up to quickly address the situation.

Risk Management Structure

  • *The standard value is 94.0%. Any lower value represents reduction in the ability to carry out work and work productivity.


We disseminate information regarding occupational health and safety, actively accept opinions and proposals through dialogue with employees, and undertake activities related to occupational health and safety.

Occupational Health and Safety Risk Management at Manufacturing Plants

At the manufacturing plants* of Group companies in Japan and overseas, we strive to improve safety and health standards based on occupational health and safety management systems in accordance with the international standard ISO 45001.
To ensure workplace safety and health, each plant holds monthly meetings of its Health and Safety Committee, which includes the plant manager, employee representatives, industrial physicians, and health nurses. At these meetings, the occurrence state of occupational injuries and progress of targets related to occupational health and safety are shared. At the same time, the committee discuss measures related to the establishment of safe and comfortable workplace environments and employee health.

Members of the Health and Safety Committee also conduct patrols within their plants once each month to confirm the safety of work processes and the state of hygiene. At Health and Safety Committee meetings, problem areas and dangerous behavior found during patrols are shared and safety measures are studied. Effective occupational injury prevention measures implemented by Group companies in Japan are shared with Group companies—both in Japan and overseas—to strengthen occupational health and safety. Furthermore, we set one of our occupational health and safety targets as limiting the total annual working hours per person to less than 2,000 hours and monitor the monthly working situation of our employees to ensure their occupational health and safety.

In addition, we conduct education and awareness-raising activities when employees are recruited. At the same time, we install suggestion boxes at each plant to allow the recommendations from employees to be reflected.
To prevent occupational injuries in the Group and achieve safe workplace environments, we also conduct monitoring in accordance with the international standard ISO 45001 and promote qualitative and quantitative evaluation. Risks identified through this evaluation are prioritized, and we adopt improvement measures accordingly from risks with high priorities. We also develop manuals clearly stating measures to prevent occupational injuries and the response procedures when they occur, and thoroughly inform employees about these manuals.

Examples of Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Items
  • Number of occupational injuries and near misses
  • Compliance with requirements of laws, regulations, etc.
  • Progress of occupational health and safety targets
  • Statutory inspections (inspections by health managers)
  • Voluntary inspections
  • Measurements of work environments
  • Medical examinations
  • Stress checks
  • Periodic voluntary checks
  • * State of ISO 45001 Certification
    As of May 2024, out of 56 applicable plants of the NISSIN FOODS Group in Japan and overseas, 22 plants have obtained ISO 45001 certification. We will also progressively work toward obtaining certification for those plants that have yet to be certified.
    Japan: Plants directly managed by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS (Kanto Plant, Shizuoka Plant, Kansai Plant, Shiga Plant, and Shimonoseki Plant), SAITAMA NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS, SHIKOKU NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS, TAKAMATSU NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS, Nicky Foods (Izumi Sano Plant and Tondabayashi Plant), NISSIN CISCO (Head Office Plant and Tokyo Plant), and MYOJO FOODS (HIGASHINIHON MYOJO and UNI-STAR)
    Overseas: NISSIN FOODS (H.K.), WINNER FOOD PRODUCTS (Wintai Plant), GUANGDONG SHUNDE NISSIN FOODS, ZHEJIANG NISSIN FOODS, FUJIAN NISSIN FOODS, Zhuhai Winner, NISSIN FOODS THAILAND (Nava Nakorn Plant), NISSIN FOODS INDONESIA (Bekasi Plant), NISSIN FOODS VIETNAM (Binh Duong Plant), NISSIN FOODS INDIA (Rewari Factory and Khordha Factory), Brazil (Gloria do Goita Plant), Nissin Hungary (Kecskemet Plant)
Improving Workplace Environments at Business Sites

At the Tokyo Head Office and Osaka Head Office of NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS, meetings of the Health Committee—which comprise the General Affairs Division, Human Resources Division, industrial physicians, health nurses, and the health managers of Group companies in Japan*—are held monthly. At these meetings, discussions are conducted on matters such as occupational injury reports, workplace environment improvement proposals, and matters regarding measures against infectious diseases. The matters discussed are useful in improving workplace environments in collaboration with the relevant divisions.


Prevention of Vehicular Accidents

To raise awareness about safe driving, during May and November, which are the designated traffic safety reinforcement months, we conduct viewings of a video about safe driving and confirmation tests as e-learning for employees of Group companies in Japan* who drive vehicles at work.

Driving courses for new employees are conducted for all new employees who are assigned to sales departments. We also make employees who are involved in accidents or have severe violations undergo driving courses tailored for each case. We also provide training in driving on expressways and snowy roads to employees who desire such training.

In addition, to help employees drive safely, we are also introducing automatic brake systems, rear view monitors, and drive recorders to vehicles leased by the NISSIN FOODS Group.


Related Information and Data

Scope FY 3/2021 FY 3/2022 FY 3/2023 FY 3/2024
Number of fatal accidents Employees of Group companies in Japan 0.0 *3 0.0 *3 0.0 *3 0.0 *3
Contractors of Group companies in Japan 0.0 *3 0.0 *3 0.0 *3 0.0 *3
Lost time accident frequency rate (LTIFR) Employees of Group companies in Japan(lost at least one day of work) - - - 1.5 *3 
Employees of Group companies in Japan (lost at least four days of work) 1.0 *3 0.8 *3 1.0 *3 1.0 *3
Contractors of Group companies in Japan (lost at least one day of work) *1 - - - 4.8 *3
Contractors of Group companies in Japan (lost at least four days of work) *2 3.7 *3 2.3 *3 3.7 *3 3.0 *3
  • *1(Number of people who lost at least one day of work due to industrial accidents/total working hours) × 1,000,000
  • *2(Number of people who lost at least four days of work due to industrial accidents/total working hours) × 1,000,000
  • *3Received third-party verification