
Human Resource Development Initiatives


Our Approach to Human Resources

Our People Define Our Worth. Success's Verdict Rests with the Universe.

These words were written by Nissin founder Momofuku Ando to his employees as his New Year's message for 2007. This encompasses the following ideal: "Our company is defined by the caliber of our people, shaping our reputation. The verdict of our success, while resting with the universe, is only reflected in the recognition of our work once our collective efforts resonate beyond ourselves." As symbolized by his words, the NISSIN FOODS Group has long regarded human resources as a source of our corporate value. Our founder said, "I want to make Nissin Foods a school of life, in a sense. I want to provide a place where people can, through their work and their relationships with their colleagues, learn what it truly means to be human." We of the NISSIN FOODS Group feel it is our mission to provide opportunities for employees to grow as human beings through their work and work environments.

Business depends on people, success depends on the heavens.

Human Resources to Support Our Strategies/Organizational Foundation Reform

The NISSIN FOODS Group is constantly creating new kinds of food culture. We aim to embody the group philosophy of being an EARTH FOOD CREATOR by being an organization that creates food cultures founded in these principles and activities, continuing to grow and achieve sustainable growth while solving environmental and social issues. In our Mid- to Long-Term Growth Strategy, we have identified "Human Resources to Support Our Strategies/Organizational Foundation Reform" as a key theme, with the goal of creating an innovative organization capable of executing strategies and creating new kinds of food culture.

As part of this, NISSIN Business Transformation (NBX) serves as our Group-wide activity theme aimed at transforming our business model itself, a vehicle for driving business structure reform. At present, we are aiming to establish a NISSIN-style job-based model, the first step along our transformation roadmap employing a backcast model to build an organization that creates food cultures.

Backcast Model to Build Organization That Creates Food Culture

Backcast Model to Build Organization That Creates Food Culture
01Improving Productivity Autonomously

Bring Visibility to Job Descriptions and Skills

We are working to bring visibility to job descriptions and employee skills and experience within each department with the goal of accelerating employee career development and boosting organizational productivity. Going forward, we plan to create and share an internal database for use in human resource development, assignment, and goal management.

Encourage Mid-Career Recruitment

With the awareness that executing our strategies requires not only cultivating our internal talent but also securing those from outside, we are working to hire human resources for global management and those with specializations who can drive innovation. We strive to acquire human resources who can make immediate contributions to our organization.


For the NISSIN FOODS Group to achieve sustainable growth, it is imperative to systematically develop hungry and highly motivated leaders who can drive teams and deliver results. Amid this, producing management talent who will lead the next generation of our business and filling the management talent pipeline are important missions that are also the lifeblood of the business.

In order to systematically develop this management talent, we established the NISSIN ACADEMY, an in-house university creating structured employee education enabling access to a wide range of knowledge and skills not easily acquired solely through on-the-job training. The NISSIN ACADEMY has a two-tiered educational structure, including an open program offering learning opportunities to anyone with the desire to grow, and a selective program. In October 2020, we launched the Management Academy program, a selective program to develop the next generation of management personnel, with 11 participants in FY 3/2021, 14 in FY 3/2022, and 13 in FY 3/2023.

Structure of the NISSIN ACADEMY

Structure of the NISSIN ACADEMY

Training Hours and Expenses in FY 3/2023

NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS employees* Domestic and Overseas group company employees
Total training hours 48,519 hours 146,251 hours
Training hours per person 21 hours 12 hours
Training expenses per person ¥59,860 ¥23,429


Human Resource Development

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Establishing Our Human Rights Policy

In the NISSIN FOODS Group Human Rights Policy, we clearly prohibit discrimination and harassment based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, belief, birthplace, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, and other attributes, as we strive to create a work environment where employees with diverse attributes and values can fully demonstrate their capabilities. We also strive to ensure fair and equitable treatment in hiring and in subsequent promotion and advancement.

NISSIN FOODS Group Policy on Human Rights

Utilizing Diverse Human Resources

As the NISSIN FOODS Group moves ahead with challenges in new areas such as globalization and digital transformation (DX), we are actively hiring mid-career employees with a variety of experience, knowledge, and expertise. To enable mid-career employees to demonstrate their abilities as quickly as possible, we also offer start-up programs and support for internal networking. We intend to continue to make our organization a place facilitative of innovation through the chemical reaction of knowledge between new graduate hires and mid-career employees. In addition, we have implemented the challenge goal system, 1-on-1 meetings, and growth experience meetings (personnel review meetings) to help supervisors in the field encourage each of their subordinate's growth. In this way, we are creating a system that elicits a diverse range of individual challenges and facilitates growth realization, even in an on-the-job training setting.

Women's Skills Development

The NISSIN FOODS Group is establishing supportive employment systems and raising awareness within the Group toward promoting more active roles for women. In the interest of growing the number of women in active management roles, we have also been promoting the enhancement and development of our human resources, conducting selective training programs for female leaders since FY 3/2017. We are working toward this in a multifaceted way, including setting numerical targets to promote active roles for women in each department, launching a sponsorship system in which officers personally commit to mentoring women, implementing programs for supervisors to learn how to manage in a diverse environment, promoting career development sessions and skill-sharing study groups led by senior female colleagues, and creating networking opportunities for women to interact with other women.

In 2019, we received Platinum Kurumin certification in recognition of our various efforts to support childcare, including the creation of a comfortable work environment and support for active roles for women in the workplace.

Percentage of Female Managers

Percentage of Female Managers

Rate of Employees Taking Childcare Leave*1

Rate of Employees Taking Childcare Leave

Mid-Career Hire Ratio

Mid-Career Hire Ratio
  1. (Number of employees taking childcare leave/number of births*2) x 100% in the relevant fiscal year.
  2. For males, the number of spouses who gave birth to a child.

Diversity and Inclusion


5th Platinum Career Award for Excellence

As we enter the era of 100-year life spans and the working years increase, the "Platinum Career Awards" (Sponsor: Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., Initiative for Co-creating the Future; Collaborator: Toyo Keizai Inc.; Supporter: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, Tokyo Stock Exchange) honors companies that support the formation of "platinum careers," allowing people regardless of age learn and hone their skills, and engage in activities fostering personal growth, corporate development, and solutions to social issues.
The NISSIN FOODS Group was selected for the Award for Excellence and was lauded for the following: an open job recruitment system that lets employees apply for positions of choice regardless of age if they meet certain requirements; a system introducing employees concerned about career development to appropriate counselors; an education program to support improvement of IT literacy; and initiatives supporting skill acquisition for employees.

Creating a Workplace of Job Satisfaction

Efforts to Instill the Corporate Philosophy

The NISSIN FOODS Group recognizes that sharing and instilling our corporate philosophy is essential for creating a corporate culture in which employees work together to take on challenges. In order to instill this corporate philosophy, our Group conducts training for new employees and mid-career hires. In addition, we hold workplace meetings twice a year to discuss our corporate philosophy and our founder's spirit. Furthermore, top management engages with employees in Japan and overseas six times a year, creating opportunities to communicate our corporate philosophy.


FY 3/2020 FY 3/2021 FY 3/2022 FY 3/2023
I feel a sense of job satisfaction 74% 78% 77% 79%
I am satisfied with my departmental environment 67% 71% 69% 69%
I am satisfied with the ease of working 57% 61% 58% 58%

Scope: domestic and overseas group company employees

FY 3/2020 FY 3/2021 FY 3/2022 FY 3/2023
I want to achieve the company's vision and strategies together 82% 79%* 84% 78%

Did not include overseas Group companies in FY 3/2021.

Health and Productivity Management Labor Practices and Work Environments Human Resource Development


Efforts to Promote the Adoption of the "10 NISSIN Rules"

The NISSIN FOODS Group established the "10 NISSIN Rules" as a set of behavioral guidelines for our employees to abide by.

  1. Cultivate brand ownership to the fullest.
  2. Aim for first entry and strive to be number one in every category.
  3. Create with your own hands. Restructure it if someone is to overcome it.
  4. Draw on wisdom from the outside to accelerate the business.
  5. Diversity is powerful. Embrace our differences to thrive.
  6. Strive for new experiences and wisdom. The future is bright for those who constantly challenge themselves.
  7. Forge ahead in the face of uncertainty. Turn back immediately if you notice mistakes.
  8. Lead and persuade through accountability, not through authority.
  9. Challenge the impossible, and break through barriers.
  10. It's our job to make work fun. This will accelerate growth.

In addition to the philosophy training, we conduct the "10 NISSIN Rules Workshop" to encourage each employee to learn these ten rules and superimpose their own values onto the direction of the company, all with the goal of letting each person's distinct values shine. In FY 3/2024, approximately 450 employees in Japan who joined Nissin in FY 3/2019 - 3/2023 gathered at the Cup Noodles Museum Yokohama to tour the facility and engaged in discussions with employees from other departments over 8 sessions to contemplate what it means to work the Nissin way. By linking these rules to their own ways of working, each participant develops an independent, problem-solving attitude even in the face of rapidly changing environments, contributing, in turn, to improvements in corporate value.